Sunday, April 23, 2006

Moving Out

Holy shit, I can't believe it's been almost two months since I moved into my new place. Where did all the time go to?

Anyhow, I completely blew my budget (actually, is it technically possible to blow a budget when you didn't really have one in the first place?) and am now paying for it. The vast majority of my furniture is from Ikea, and this time I made an extra effort to color-coordinate. It also helps that furniture in white finish is cheaper.

Naked Ikea 1

Naked Ikea 2

Anyone who knows me knows I have loads of crap. So all of that crap had to sit out in the hallway while we fixed up my furniture.

Loads of Boxes

Speaking of which, word of advice for people getting furniture from Ikea:

Don't bother saving that measly 5%. Pay them to fix it for you. I was stupid and ended up spending two entire days putting everything together, getting aching arms and a roomful of sawdust in the process.

Anyhow, we were in a pretty sad state those first few days. Our communal bedroom looked like a refugee camp.

Refugee Bedroom

While the living and dining rooms looked like war zones.

Dining Room Mess

Living Room Madness

Stripping Cables

My cousins spent days stripping and piecing cables together. I cut myself helping them, although I expected that, with my clumsiness.

The only neat part of the house seemed to be the backyard.

Neat Backyard

But all in all, it was well worth it. I now finally have a place to call my own, plus it's a place with lots of character (some unwanted) to boot. Built around 1902 in the colonial style, it's a beautiful two-storey house with lots of space and peaceful surroundings. There's even a spacious outdoor deck on the second floor, which, strangely enough, is only accessible via a bathroom. But you do get a great view from there.

Neighbor's Houses 1

Neighbor's Houses 2

A month later, we finally got things together enough to have a little housewarming thingy. Unfortunately, it was mostly for family, so I couldn't invite as many people as I would've liked. Nevertheless, I had enough friends come such that I didn't have to spend any time in inane conversations with people I didn't give a shit about.

I have to apologize to my friends who came in the afternoon. I completely forgot to bring my camera out then, so we didn't get any pictures. Still, here are pictures from the night.

NU Peeps

Camille, who I hadn't seen in ages, came! We all had fun reminiscing about sharing our old apartment.

Dirrrty Girrrl

I don't have to say more about the above picture. It does speak a thousand words.

That night also happened to be my cousin's 22nd birthday, so 22 tequila shots were prepared and downed. He had help from friends and family though, so it's kinda cheating. Even his mom helped with a shot.

22 Shots 1

22 Shots 2

By the end of it all, the Birthday Boy was still standing, though not for too long.

Still Standing

We'll be here for the next two years at least, so here's to more good times!


At 11:18 PM, April 24, 2006, Blogger 우찌유 said...

eh. is the black shadow at the bottom right corner of the last few pictures the ghost from the house???

At 2:30 AM, April 26, 2006, Blogger cinewhore said...

Yep! It's the ghost's head, always popping up in the frame!

No lah, actually it's my lens adapter that's so big it blocks part of the light from the flash.

At 10:38 PM, April 26, 2006, Blogger Allan Koay 郭少樺 said...

dont forget to invite me to movie nights!

fuck the ghosts!


gimme some mindfuckery

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