Wednesday, March 14, 2007

On Life Now

Why does it always seem like there's so much to do before a trip? I'm leaving on a month's vacation on Monday, and in the meantime, there's been tons of work to do, my room is a mess, and lots of miscellaneous logistics to settle, like changing currencies and buying stuff.

It doesn't help that I seem to have to do work up till the minute I take off. But I think it'll all be worth it. I haven't been on a real vacation in ages. Even when I went to Manchester the last time I had to rewrite a script there, so it wasn't all play. I'm looking forward to exploring the nooks and crannies of China and Hong Kong that I've never been to.

So my boss who promised me a raise resigned, which reminds me, I have to get out an email about the whole issue both to him, HR and my new boss. Nothing too fancy, just listing accomplishments and repeating my core arguments of why I need a raise. After all, this new boss has never heard them, and it might be a good idea to remind my old boss.

I don't wanna get my hopes up though, because in this organization, they inevitably get dashed to pieces on the sharp rocks below. I just would like to hope that he can be fair to me, but perhaps even that's hoping for too much. I was contemplating switching to another department like marketing or sales that will definitely get me the income I want, but whenever that happens, I get an incredible gig that makes me want to stay on.

I've been working on a new script with a colleague, and let me tell you, I never realized this before, but having a writing partner is incredible. If you're a writer, you definitely need to give this a try at some point in your career. The ideas thrown around are the highest caliber I've had in quite a while, and the speed at which we churn it all out is amazing. It sure beats staring at your monitor by yourself suffering from writer's block.

The just-completed script looks damn good, and I'm not just saying that 'cos I wrote it. It's something in the vein of Arrested Development, and I hope that it will get picked up as a series. If so, we're campaigning to write the entire season together. Having anyone else do it will fuck it up for sure. Fingers crossed.

On other fronts, things are progressing slowly, but I think it looks good.

Is life good now? Let's put it this way, it's better than it's been for a while, but I can always hope for more.