Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The Puma Post

In a previous post, I meant to post pictures of Puma tags that came with the T-shirt I bought, along with the plastic bag. However, the tags went missing, so I could only post pictures of the bag.

I found the tags yesterday. They were inside said plastic bag.

I never cease to be amazed at my own ingenuity.

The pictures are rather self-explanatory. I had fun reading the stuff, I hope you do too. They're proof that while Puma is a corporation, and hence evil (since all corporations are, by nature, evil), it doesn't mean that they don't have a sense of humor.

Puma 1

Puma 2

Puma 3

Puma 4

If anyone has trouble reading the red-on-red words above, it says "Why not take two?"

And from the bottom of the plastic bag:

Puma Bag


At 8:32 PM, August 31, 2005, Blogger cheeky said...

Haha, I type scriptwriting in technorati and found this blog. Are u working for the crap station at andrew road? Get out of there if u can. The toxicated environment can stifle and suck out the life force off the most enterprising and creative individual. Trust me.


gimme some mindfuckery

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