Sunday, October 30, 2005


It's a typical sports movie, so it's predictable and safe. Your run-of-the-mill guts and glory story of an underdog who makes it to the major leagues. Nothing amazing, it seems to work, which is all I ask for from the genre.

Tim Burton's Corpse Bride
Absolutely gorgeous. I can never understand how people can do stop-motion animation. I'd go mad taking everything frame by frame. I thought it was more heartfelt and bittersweet than The Nightmare Before Christmas, though the latter was more fun. Loved it.

Four Brothers
Just plain blah. 'Nuff said. I wouldn't have seen it if not for the free tickets.

童夢奇緣 (Wait 'Til You're Older)
An uneasy gelling of tones makes this movie rather uneven. It also tends to get too heavy-handed, but apart from these, there aren't any real complaints. What's funny is that my companion seemed really affected by it. He even claimed to have shed a tear.

Rather slow-moving, and the plot twist turned out to be just too far-fetched for my liking. The director went overboard with unnecessary camera moves and slow motion when he wanted to question Jodie Foster's sanity, which was completely unwarranted. Here you have one of the best actresses of her generation, and you want to spoil it by not trusting her and resorting to cheap MTV-style tricks. Jodie always plays the role of the desperate mother-in-a-crisis well, and this time is no exception. Too bad about the rest of the movie.

Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
Loved it, loved it, loved it. What I thought would be a cool, stylish flick turned out to be a meditation on the nature of revenge instead. Not that the movie doesn't have style in abundance. Just when you think the film is headed for an inevitable conclusion, Park Chan-wook draws back the curtains and reveals yet more layers to his morality play, widening the scope such that we look upon our own souls at the same time. I don't have to say more about the scripting, acting, design, cinematography or editing. Suffice to say they are all impeccable, scoring especially high in the cinematography department, with every shot a gorgeous masterpiece of framing and lighting.