Thursday, September 16, 2004

Sperm-Shaped Worms!

This is a really bizarre dream I had last week. I jotted notes after I woke up, and it's here in all it's glory. Everything's in bits and pieces, but that's the nature of dreams, isn't it?

I'm in the toilet of an old building with Yam and Kiwi. I'm smoking in there, even though I know I shouldn't be. Ash out the window.

In a mall now. Kiwi wants to take a piss. He does so against a wall or potted plant. A woman screams at him when he's done. "Take it out!" He turns around, but covers himself up. She takes a polaroid and runs away. I chase her. When I catch up, I grab the polaroid. It's just the image of a blurry face. I tear it up.

Upstairs in the mall. It resembles Tampines Mall. We go down an escalator. I call my mom and tell her I'm going home. At the bottom of the escalator, we split up.

A store detective approaches and tells me to go into the supermarket. I think that he wants to put handcuffs on me, so I offer my wrists. He puts plastic thumbcuffs on instead. Many witnesses (to the polaroid incident? to the smoking? what??) come forward and want to question me. They're people I've seen in the mall earlier.

It's now night, and everyone is in an old school. We go into a japanese-style room. It's huge, with paper doors and everything. A teacher from high school is there, Mr. Teo TH. He's the caretaker.

I'm asked to strip. For some reason, Kiwi is also there. All the women turn around, and I do so. Now Yam is there too. I ask, "How did you get here?" He says, "NS list." (??!!)

I have to go piss. The cuffs have gotten elastic, and I'm now playing with them and stretching them out to my wrists. As I piss at the urinal, I see a few black sperm-shaped worms fall on the ledge in front of me. They wriggle around.

Back in the room, I feel gross. Something's wriggling under my skin. I strip again (I don't know when I put my clothes back on) and roll on the ground, screaming. People rush to me, and start pushing out worms from under my skin like you squeeze pimples. The same sperm-shaped worms, just like in the toilet. They burst out of my skin and wriggle on the floor. They are quickly squished, and their guts ooze out. This goes on for a while. Soon there is a huge pile in the middle of the room.

I stand up, and want to tell my side of the story (what story?). But they say it's too late, and we'll continue tomorrow.

I wake up, and think, "What the fuck??!"

I just re-read what I typed. Boy, I am one sick fuck.


At 7:11 AM, September 16, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

all dreams are bizarre lah... never logical... hahahha

kiwi and yam... hmmm.... where's cai? hahaha... how come so much peeing and stripping huh? hahah... it juz wants u to wake up and go pee lah... :P but sure nothing kinky in the dream? hahahhaha


At 1:03 PM, September 16, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's all symbolism and allegories. examine each event carefully to see what the future has for u


At 7:51 PM, September 16, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jus for the kick of it. U sick bastard!! -mh


gimme some mindfuckery

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