Sunday, November 21, 2004

A Seedy Cafe and a Salsa Club

Does anyone still meet up with their classmates from primary school? It's kinda cool and freaky at the same time, to see someone you haven't met for twelve years, and still be able to recognize them with a single look.

Of course the awkward conversations began, and somehow it's funny that the people who I felt were kind of weird and apart from everyone else are still kinda weird and apart from everyone else.

Not that there were that many people there tonight, only about six or so. But out of the six, I'd not seen two for ages. The other people I'd seen last December when we met at the same seedy cafe.

Oh yes, and it seems to be the trend now that whenever we meet, we end up sitting in a seedy little cafe, chain smoking around the table. Funny how almost everyone from my class became smokers.

It was also kinda fun and weird at the same time to learn that two of them were now a couple. If you were to ask me twelve years ago about the possibility of them getting together, I'd be like, "No fucking way!" But now it's a reality. Ah, the twists and turns of fate.

A couple of us then went to a salsa club after sitting at the cafe for over four hours. A dancer friend of one of them went there regularly, and we thought we'd just stop by to say hi and check out the place, since most of us hadn't been in one of these joints before.

It blew my mind. There were all these people gyrating freely on the dance floor, twisting and turning and spinning to the latin beats. It almost defied imagination how they could do all those spins without getting their arms all tangled up. The dancer friend turned out to be pretty damn amazing at it. Watching him and his dance partner on the floor made me want to make a movie with dancing in it, just so I could put that on tape or film and cut together something breathtaking and incredibly sexy.

You really had to pay attention to take in all the moves. In fact, watching them made me so tired I had to go home.

Maybe someday I'll write a script with dancing in it. I have no ideas as of now, but I just know it has to have salsa dancing.