Here and There
I lied. My PC is just completely fucked. It somehow works when my brother is around, but the moment he leaves, it screws up again. I'm at my cousins' now, and loving them for having fucking broadband cable access. I swear, I just wanna grab the whole CPU and toss it downstairs, but considering I live so high up, and given my luck, I'll probably hit a little old lady and brain her, and be tossed into prison and have to endure the neighbors "tsk, tsk"-ing and be a little bitch to the big strong men I meet in there. So I restrain myself, because I know I'm enough of a whore in my everyday work that I don't need to be a literal one.
I spent an entire afternoon yesterday at Orchard Road, prowling (thank you for the inspired word, Jingli) for my 15 year-old boy to replace the actor. No luck. First, where did all the fucking kids go to? I mean, normally when I go there they're all over the damn place, crawling around like little colorful roaches, but they were nowhere to be found yesterday. No big groups, just little stragglers here and there. Also, it didn't help that most of them were nerdy-looking, and not the cool kids I needed. When I did find myself a cool kid, they were almost inevitably Japanese. And/or too shy or not interested.
End of the day tally: Zero.
I finally gave up and went for some movies instead (see previous post). Oh, and bought more shoes. Hot damn.
I hope the modelling agency comes through to me on Tuesday, or I'm gonna be pretty much fucked for Thursday.
Just got off the phone with Nate & Zach a while ago. It was real nice talking to them again, and hear Nate moan about his editing and Zach going about his culinary experiments. I told them about my intended visit in March, and we got all excited and shit. I really hope it goes through, and that my travelling companion can manage to go. We're gonna have a grand old time at good ol' 809 Noyes. Maybe we can even pack in a road trip or a camping trip.
It makes me happy just thinking about it. At least there's something to look forward to in the midst of all this bullshit.
gimme some mindfuckery
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