Saturday, November 20, 2004

The Benefits of Whoredom

Yesterday evening I went over to a colleague's place with a bunch of other people from the office for some Hari Raya dinner thingy. It was tasty, though I'm still not a big fan of lontong (it just tastes weird), nor lychee tea. And after dinner, being the good media whores we were, everyone sat around the TV and watched the Results Show of Singapore Idol.

Now I hadn't seen a single episode since that night it was going on in the background while I was in a mahjong game, and I'm very proud of myself for that. I believe that was months ago, the very first finals episode. After all, why give wannabes any attention? I don't particularly care for any of them, and the most emotional investment I have in the show is that some of the contestants piss me off and I would love to see them get kicked off the show. Or just get kicked. That would be nice too.

So yesterday they were down to three, and one of them was going to get kicked off. Whee. Unfortunately it was the young punk that couldn't sing who remained, while the fat girl who actually could went home to her huge privileged bedroom and wept in her king-sized bed. Ah well, you can't win all in life.

After all, like it or not, this is not about the singing or the talent, but simply a popularity contest. And like it or not, based on the predictions of many of the camera crew (who've been uncannily accurate so far), that hateful Rocker-Wannabe is going to win, because of his huge fan base of teenage girls who are given to throwing hysterical fits whenever he grins his slimy grin. Which is really too bad, since the Malay dude is the one with the Voice.

Not that I care anyway. The best thing about the Finals is that I can get free tickets. And since I'm not going to that damned show no matter what, I can sell them and make a tidy profit. I think silly desperate people will pay at least S$100 a pop, easily. Heh heh. Sometimes being a corporate whore does have its benefits.


At 11:35 PM, November 20, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

no!!!! the malay guy is winning. fans from the girl with the voice is going to vote for the malay guy this time. how can they bear to let the contest go to that punk?

i will be a whore and ask u here, now, to give me the SI tics if u cant find any buyers for it. *flirty wink included*



gimme some mindfuckery

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