Sunday, December 19, 2004

Day of the Dead

So unbelievably tired. Went to the Dick Lee concert last night, courtesy of Angeline. Unfortunately it was after a crazy day of shooting, and on top of the four hours of sleep I got the night before... Let's just say that after sending everyone home, I crashed so hard when I finally got into bed. Sleep was just a huge blank - no dreams, no nothing. When I opened my eyes to the sound of my mobile going off today it was as if I'd just shut my eyes a minute ago.

The call was from the AD for today's shoot. Apparently one of the actors only had an early version of the script, which had been completely rewritten since then. So I had to rush to the office (where I am right now) and fax him the new one.

Right now I'm in such a zombie-like state, I don't even know what I'm typing. The cigarette I just had didn't do anything to alleviate that, even though normally I'd be a little perkier after one. I even asked Jingli to go for lunch, forgetting his current condition. I just want to go home, crawl into bed and not get up for the rest of the day. And there's still a shoot tomorrow. Yay.


At 3:47 PM, December 19, 2004, Blogger Allan Koay 郭少樺 said...

Ginseng! Ginseng!

At 6:26 AM, December 22, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh how's the mid nite shopping at suntec?


At 2:05 AM, December 23, 2004, Blogger min said...

oh drat it, you took over my seat at Dick Lee's concert then. Nay, no big deal. Nice hair. Never knew that bleaching involved such pain. Geez.. tattoos are hell enuff for me thank you. Merry X'mas ;)


gimme some mindfuckery

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