Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Ooh! Pictures!

Testing out this photo hosting thingy from Flickr. Apparently they're the only way to go when I'm using a Mac.

Here are some people I hang with.

JC Eye

JL Eye

KW Hand

JY Eye

I love macro pictures. Unfortunately I was a tad tipsy when I took most of those, hence the strange focus, or lack thereof.

The Calm Before the Storm
Calm Before the Storm

Just Chillin'...

...and GO!!

Heh heh heh.

I'd love to post bigger pictures, but unfortunately they have certain default sizes in Flickr and for the next size up, the pictures go over the edges of my columns. So unless I figure out a way (maybe if I only post pictures from someone else's BloggerBot program) to do otherwise, we're going to have to stick to the small ones. I can't do it from work because apparently BloggerBot doesn't work on proxy servers. Boo.

Addendum: I'm leaving the above paragraph for posterity, as a testament to my genius. Yep, I figured out how to change the size of the pictures. Yay.


At 5:32 AM, December 15, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice red eye of cai... LOL

oh i noe how to change the dimension of pics using HTML commands? dunno issit only applicable on LJ tho... hehe


At 8:49 AM, December 15, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, u've got a pic of veins... someone will love that pic!



gimme some mindfuckery

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