Friday, December 24, 2004

A Meaningful Story

In the spirit of Christmas, where people start circulating emails with warm loving messages and Meaningful Stories with Morals, I have decided to write my very own Meaningful Story. Feel free to circulate this to whoever you know, and spread the love around.

Greg and Julia were painfully shy kids. They met in kindergarten, and already thought the other was really cute. However, they never exchanged a word. They just sat by themselves, in separate corners of the classroom or playground, and sneaked peeks at each other furtively. It was no wonder they were alienated from all the other kids and never got picked at games. In fact, everyone thought they were autistic, but they were just shy.

They were in the same class all throughout school, for fate works in strange ways. They were even seated side by side, yet never said anything to each other. The furtive glances continued. He would write little notes to her, but always faltered at the last instant, and tore them up and swallowed them instead.

When they were twelve, Julia was on her way home from school. As she passed by the deserted gym, a group of sixteen year-old boys grabbed her from behind. She was dragged into a dark corner, where they ripped off her clothes and tried to rape her. Fortunately, young Greg was stalking her from afar and rushed to her rescue. With the skills he learnt from his fascination with martial arts movies, he quickly dispatched of the boys and saved her from a terrible fate. Without a word, he took off his clothes and gave them to her, saving her the embarrassment of going home naked, for all her clothes were torn. Silently, he departed in his underwear. Tears of gratitude fell from her eyes, but still, they did not say a word.

At their high school prom, Greg was alone, as usual. He wandered the hall, weaving among the dancing couples morosely. It was then that the girl gang of popular bitches set upon him. They slapped him, calling him names and taunting him. "Sissy! Loser! Faggot!" they yelled. He endured everything silently, for he was not the confrontational sort. Julia saw this from the corner of her eye and her heart broke. She glided up to him and swept him away from their harpy claws, and they danced all night. They didn't get voted Prom King and Queen, but it didn't matter. They were already the King and Queen of their own little silent kingdom.

The night of their high school graduation, they took off for the lake behind their little hometown. Sitting there by the waters, looking at the stars and the moon, they were perfectly content. They looked into each other's eyes, and Julia could tell what Greg had in mind before he even needed to open his mouth. She nodded.

They got married two months later. It was a lovely wedding, in a beautiful little church bedecked with flowers and lace. When it came time to exchange their vows, they didn't say anything, but just kissed each other with all their love. It was enough, and everyone beamed and applauded with joy.

As Greg and Julia exited the church, all seemed perfect with the world. The sun was shining, birds were singing, and the scent of Spring wafted all over the little town. But a dark cloud was about to cast its shadow over the proceedings. At the bottom of the church steps was their car, waiting for them, with a huge "Just Married" banner on it. As they drove away, everyone waved goodbye. They turned to wave back.

As Greg's eyes returned to the road, he suddenly saw an old lady on a walker crossing in front of him. Being the considerate sort who would never run an elderly person over, he swerved hard to the left. Julia screamed. In their path now was a cute little kitty wearing a bell. It was white and fluffy. The kitty, that is, not the bell. Greg swerved again, to the right this time. He was also not the kind of person that would run a cute kitty over, especially one wearing a bell. The car slammed into a lamp-post. Julia was wearing her seatbelt, but Greg was not. He was catapulted out of the car by the impact, shattering the windscreen and bouncing three times on the road surface.

Julia held her breath. Was he dead? She struggled with her seatbelt, which was stuck, frantic with worry. Then her eyes lit up. Miraculously, Greg had survived with only a twisted ankle. He got up slowly and hobbled in her direction.

This was when a runaway steamroller ran him over. Just a little though, such that he was only badly injured, but not dead. Julia screamed and finally yanked her seatbelt out. She threw the car door open and ran towards him, but was cut off by a passing parade. An elephant was leading the parade, and right before her very eyes, it stomped on Greg's broken body. He gave up his last breath. The elephant stopped, and looked down, puzzled at what it had just stepped on.

Julia ran to Greg's side and cradled his head, which had cracked open like an egg. With his blood and brains running over her hands, she looked into his wide-open, unseeing eyes and opened her mouth. She tried to force the words out. They had never said "I love you" to each other. They never thought it was necessary, for they had always communicated well enough without words. But now, when she wanted so desperately to say them, the words wouldn't come to her mouth. It was too late. He was already gone. And anyway, they were mute, so they couldn't have said the words in any case.

Then the elephant decided to take a dump, and shat all over them. As her tears mixed with the dung in her hair, she could only sob, her heart filled with regrets.

Whenever you feel tempted to take your loved ones for granted, remember this Story, and slap yourself in the face for even thinking that. Go find someone you love now, and tell them How Much They Mean To You. You never know when you'll get another chance, especially around the holiday season when everyone's running around drunk as fuck. I love you. Three simple words. Just say them.

Forward this to all your friends and make them realize this important Moral. Really, they would never reach this conclusion unless you shove it in their faces by sending them emails like this. Do it, now, to show how much you care. There can never be enough love in this world.


At 5:05 PM, December 24, 2004, Blogger Allan Koay 郭少樺 said...


Merry Christmas!

At 12:06 AM, December 25, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like the twist at the end. they are mute!
n ur story nade me tot of somebody

At 2:51 PM, December 25, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahha! always thought u hated all those 'pass the story on or you will die a terrible death/remain single/ step on dung' stories. i hated them so i didnt gave this entry a read. only after u told me to read it (for u, ... i would *kicks sand on feet*) did i come back. but at the back of my mind, i was thinking : is it true? has wmx gone all mushy and soft? he posted a 'FW:FW:[FW]:FW:MEANINGFUL STORY' on his blog!

but no! wmx's wit is as sharp as ever. n wat perfect time than during the festive season to be humbug abt such things together with our all time fav, religion! yeah!

pls do something with religious undertones? pls?? the last time someone did that, it was horrible (as u know). bet u can do a better job.

At 2:52 PM, December 25, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 3:39 AM, December 26, 2004, Blogger nate said...

this moral runs with the beautiful wmx-isms throughout and to this day, miguel and i have been trying to get that elephant across in a real film.

hope these public holidays don't waste you away or alienate you further. i spent last night with a newly christened investment banker/old friend and he did both of these things to me. even told me to get my life together, or some bullshit like that. so with that spirit, i bid you adieu.

At 12:52 AM, December 28, 2004, Blogger cinewhore said...

He's an investment banker! These people are already Evil Incarnate! They're only a step down from insurance agents.

And there are far too few movies made now with elephants in them. Last I heard, Alexander has some. I should see that soon.


gimme some mindfuckery

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