Tuesday, February 08, 2005

This and That

You know you're spending way too much time at the computer when you get a nasty-looking brown bruise on the bottom of your right wrist - at the exact spot where your wrist is in contact with the table while using a mouse. And when I say "you", I mean "me".

Finally got around to watching the wonderful Pedro Almodóvar's Bad Education. Lovingly sumptuous, as usual, and it seems he likes the "movie-within-a-movie" thing a lot, since it's expanded from the short in Talk To Her to almost half the movie here.

My favorite thing about his films is how deep inside, they're such melodramas, and instead of shying away from melodrama, like most "serious" filmmakers try to do, he embraces it wholeheartedly. By this, I mean that he deliberately plays up the twists and connections between the characters. But because he treats every single character with such love and respect, it never comes across as cheap, unlike the shit they play every day on Days Of Our Lives or Fiery Thunderbolt (or insert name of your most-hated soap opera here). They are full-bodied, flesh-and-blood characters who just happen to live in a melodramatic world, and try to make the best of it they can. He also gets amazing performances every time from his actors, which help his approach greatly.

There were two cuts, or so I heard, in the version screened in Singapore. Both involving fellatio, I think. I'm so sick of hearing myself rant about the censors, I don't think I'll say anything more. I know I'll get the DVD anyway.

After the movie, my companion asked if I'd be able to accept my child if he/she was gay. I said yes, without hesitation (at least, I hope I didn't hesitate). I didn't give a reason then, but it's not too late to do so now. Well, a simple one, anyway.

I believe that basic human rights apply to everyone, regardless of their gender, race, religious convictions (or lack thereof) and sexuality. You can't really control who you love or your orientation, and who's to say what's right or wrong? Moralists? Those hypocritical self-righteous bastards? I'm not about to let them dictate how I or my children should lead their lives.

Bottom line is, if I'm a parent, I'd want my kids to be happy. And if that means humping someone of the same gender, then I say by all means, go for it.