Sunday, February 12, 2006

New Year Wrap-Up

Today's the last day of the traditional 15-day Lunar New Year celebrations. Time to collate the financial ins and outs of the season.

Total amount collected: S$656

Total amount distributed: S$405

Total profit: S$251

Spent on buying the lottery (which I of course did not win): S$50

Lost at various mahjong and card games: Approx. S$20

Not too bad, definitely better than last year's loss of S$25. I wonder why that's so. Maybe we saw more peripheral relatives, who just so happened to be bloody rich. Maybe the economy's doing better - I definitely saw less S$2 notes compared to last year. And maybe it's because I cut down my "contributions" significantly, haha. Being a little more conscious of exactly how much I can afford helps. I end the season with profits just short of S$200.

Actually, with all the eating and shopping and shit, I probably ended up spending more money than I took in. Damn.


At 12:10 AM, February 13, 2006, Blogger 우찌유 said...

nyah ha! i got $788.

At 12:26 PM, February 14, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

liew... u all get so much ang pow money one!

i only received half of wat u had... tsk tsk



gimme some mindfuckery

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