Monday, January 30, 2006

Four Digits

I scratched my mom's car not once, not twice, but three times in the same day while trying to maneuver it out of tight spaces yesterday. So, like any good Singaporean, I went and bought 4D today, hoping to defray some of the costs. Plus, it would've been nice to start the new year off on a winning streak.

I didn't win anything.

But my cousin, who'd gone along with me on a whim, and bought some numbers on another whim, struck second prize. His S$1 bet multiplied a thousandfold.

His total investment: S$12
His winnings: S$1000
My total investment: S$36
My winnings: S$0

Goddamn motherfucker. But that's the way the game goes.

But hey, what's this little bit of cash when I could win the S$10 million Toto Hongbao Draw, right?

Fingers crossed. Fingers very crossed.