Monday, October 04, 2004

Financial Status = Dubya's Budget Deficit

I think I should be able to get myself declared a bankrupt soon. After all, I currently only have about S$170 (approx. US$100) in my bank account. Yep, I got quite the rude shock tonight at the ATM. And that's supposed to last me till Oct 25.

Then I remembered someone still owed me $260 for concert tickets, so I got on her tail pretty fast. And bless her heart, she wanted to return it to me tomorrow.

So I'm not entirely in dire straits. But boy, am I cutting it close. I'd forgotten about my whopping phone bill that I'd paid a few days before, which apparently was almost the current amount left in my account. So I went on a shopping spree yesterday, buying a stack of CDs yea high and an iPod case (those fuckers at Apple really rip you a new asshole, don't they?). And even though I got a case, I somehow still managed to nick a pretty nasty one on the shiny side of my Poddy. My heart died a little when I saw it today.

OK, so it's not as bad as George W. Bush's budget deficit. But it's pretty damn close.

No one, but no one, call me to go shopping. Understood?



At 7:44 AM, October 05, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow.. gotta remind kiwi abt not jio-ing u to go shopping... hehe

heng i cancelled the dinner, if not, u sure u got enuff $ to pay? hehe...


At 10:12 PM, October 05, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Loanshark Wu

Since taking over the business from your lao peh, you have moved the whole business to a higher level. Not only do you chase bad debts electronically, you do it in a ever so subtle way. And yet, it still manages to let the whole world know that someone owns you some money by effectively reminding the person in question at almost every blog she reads. I appreciate the effort and is constantly reminded daily of the powers of the internet. And you.

At 8:02 AM, October 06, 2004, Blogger cinewhore said...

Thank you. I try my best.


gimme some mindfuckery

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