Friday, September 24, 2004

Blog Overhaul

Yep. Been meaning to overhaul this and choose a new template for quite a while now, and finally did it. Unlike #1, I'm not fluent in any type of computer language whatsoever and so can't create a cool title banner thingy and put awesome pictures of Elvis' monkey on my blog. Which is really too bad, since I bet everyone would love more pictures of monkeys. Speaking of which, I wonder how #1 & Miguel's animation turned out. Mad, mad monkeys and flying elephants. Whee!

Oh yeah, and I never really liked that green on my old blog page to begin with. Too sickly. Feh.

Been spending my time after work that last couple days watching movies at the Malaysian Film Festival. So far, there's been one pretty decent one, one awful one and one over-ambitious, incomprehensible one. Will write more on that later.

Met with the exec producer a couple days ago, she wanted to play around with ideas for a new drama series with lawyers. It seemed pretty cool, and I was asked to write the outline/pitch draft. Bad idea. Turns out I'm pretty terrible at it. I spend hours trying to describe it in vague yet specific yet cool-sounding ways before finally going "Ah, fuck it" and typing a page of shit. Then I leapt straight into character descriptions and backstory and that took me a really short time to write. Ah well. That's bad for me, means I can't pitch for shit.

Where's Elyanow when I need him?


At 12:25 AM, September 25, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm.. you've categorised the other blog links you have... It's ... very... organised. Why? Why do you always have to sort your things eg. having a list of dvds you have, sort your toys etc. Mayhem is sometimes good y'know. but then, we are singaporeans afterall. haa... - mh

At 9:33 AM, September 25, 2004, Blogger cinewhore said...

I don't sort toys... I've given them all to my brother. However, if you think my DVDs are scary, wait till you see my closet.

Hooray for anal-retentiveness.

At 12:04 PM, September 27, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think the prev greenish look is fresher leh...
this brownish one not cool enuff.... makes me feel sleepy... yawn... hehe

post pics leh...


gimme some mindfuckery

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