Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Race Against Time

My laptop now shuts itself off whenever it wants to, which fucking sucks, because I never know when it's going to just kill my post. I've had it kill two of them already, before I finally gave up this morning. Now I'm just trying again.

Saw Francois Ozon's 5 x 2 a few days back, which was nice and depressing. Sex in arthouse flicks is always, always either depressing or horrifying, because people in arthouse flicks are always fucked up in some way or other, so they can't really have sex like normal people do. Or maybe normal people have depressing sex, and it's only in Hollywood that people have Amazing Sex.

Either way, I have to end soon. Because every single line I type is a race against time. When will my laptop switch itself off? I have no clue.

Puked all over my new shoes today. That fucking sucked too.



At 3:42 PM, November 24, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

gosh.. why did you puke all over your shoes?

if its binge drinking... we can share our experiences... just had like 4 bottles of whisky in 3 hours 2 weeks ago... puked 8 times... that was brutal man...


At 12:02 AM, November 25, 2004, Blogger cinewhore said...

Haha, congratulations, I've gone through that far more than I'd care to admit...


gimme some mindfuckery

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