Monday, February 21, 2005

The Eighth New Year Post (Or, Am I Glad the New Year's Almost Over)

All in all, this was a good weekend.

On Saturday I had a secondary school class outing. Amazingly enough, there was a rather strong turnout - 16 out of 34 people.

Updates were mostly predictable, but of course there were some surprises, like the girl who'd started up her own business only to have it fail within the year. And the biggest surprise of all (well, technically it wasn't really a surprise since we knew beforehand) was one girl who was getting married.

What a disgusting reminder of my age. Bah.

Anyway, it was a good dinner. The steak was actually rather decent, which is pretty rare in Singapore, and especially at an OK price (S$25 or so). Erdinger was excellent as usual. So if you want a decent steak, you can check out Jerry's in the Club Street area.

4A Outing

The trip there was actually pretty amusing as well. I was running late so I decided to take a cab, and was promptly mistaken by the cab driver for a celeb from my company. Not anyone in particular, just a celeb in general. He said I dressed "like an idol". Har har. Rather bizarre. Look at the picture and judge for yourself if his comments were valid.

Instead of being late, I was frightfully early and so sat around taking pictures of people sneakily. Like of this guy, who seemed, like me, to be waiting. And waiting. And waiting.

Waiting Guy

Managed, finally, to see the Botero exhibit at the Singapore Art Museum today. Childish comment: It's kinda cool that all his people look exactly alike, just with different hair, etc. Lots of dumpy, fleshy people and animals. It was a nice (and interesting) juxtaposition with all the beautiful photographs of stick-thin celebrities in the Russel Wong exhibit in the same museum.

Priest & Cat
The priest warns his young charges about the deadly beast waiting below.

Cat vs Man
Cat vs. Man

Got a free Alien Ant Farm CD from my favorite tiny CD stall, Foo Leong, in Chinatown. I guess the owner likes me and knows that I spend enough there to feed a tiny nation for a year. I don't think think I've ever heard of the group, but he insists they're good.

I was also complimented on my eclectic taste. My purchases from the stall today included U2, Queen, The Chemical Brothers, and - of all things - Taufik (Singapore Idol winner - support a bit lah. Plus, it's cheap). This doesn't include the Chinese CDs I got from Gramophone just a bit earlier.

And finally, on a more sombre note, I've added another NU blog link to the list on the right. It's rather depressing, but I'm glad to see that Tim's sense of humor is still intact. And of course, it's a reminder to us all that shit happens, and very often to the best people.


At 6:46 PM, February 21, 2005, Blogger 우찌유 said...

and i thought how come you bought alien ant farm la. anyway the taufik cd i opened already. inside look damn cheapo la. and you don't look like celeb la. haha.

At 5:52 AM, February 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

is Jonathan ur ex-classmate!!!!??? the tall tan lanky guy? or i see wrongly?

haha that cap... wear it = celeb? wat kinda bizzare perception of the cabbies in spore! LOL

oh there are more Botero's copper statues at Esplanade's Waterfront... i went to take some pics of them too... hehe

At 9:14 AM, February 22, 2005, Blogger cinewhore said...

Yes he is.

At 10:22 AM, February 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mx, this is gonna kill u, take a deep breath first....

i tink u look like DONG FANG BILLY in tat pic with ur cap.




gimme some mindfuckery

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