Sunday, February 13, 2005

The Second New Year Post (Or, Why It Sucked)

Since the New Year traditionally goes on for fifteen days, and this being the fifth day, it isn't too late to post with that title yet.

Anyway this will deal with why the New Year sucked. There'll be another post to balance it out soon, but I'd like to get the bitching over and done with.

So I was stuck with having to log tapes on New Year's Eve, since I'd been a lazy bastard late last week. I started late too, because I was trying to get writing samples for my boss ready - trying to move up the corporate ladder, so to speak. And well, so I ended late, well after almost everyone had left the office.

One thing led to another, and leaving out something in between, me and my dad got home pretty late, probably about six or so. It was still fine, for we would've made the Reunion Dinner, no problem. However, he got it into his head that it would be a good idea to deliver some flowers to his parents'. I do not understand the way the man's mind works. You're supposed to have a Reunion Dinner with your wife and kids on New Year's Eve, not go triapsing around the place being a bloody flower delivery guy. But who was I to stop him? He said he'd be quick, which in my parents' warped concept of time meant a few hours.

At home, my brother announced he was watching Constantine that evening with friends. At 8pm. Who the fuck schedules movies with friends on the evening that they're supposed to have dinner with the family? And not any family, mind you, a family that is notorious for their... flexibility when it comes to time.

It quickly became apparent that he was not going to make it in time, especially since dinner was still being made and was nowhere near ready. He changes the plans to a 9:30 show.

Time passes, with no sign of my dad. My brother announces he is going to be late, so he eats whatever's ready and leaves. My dad runs into him at the door and bitches about why he has to leave. I bitch about why he took over two hours to deliver some fucking flowers. He sees the stupid plants he placed outside the door have toppled over (because they're ugly and suck ass and their pots are way too light for them) and so insisted on "fixing" them, regardless of the time.

Finally sat down to Reunion Dinner at about 10pm, with just my parents and me. Tried not to be sulky. I don't remember what was on TV, but I'm sure it was something appalling.

Day One didn't start any better. My mom said we should leave by 9:30am to go visiting. Like I said, our family is notorious for being late. I told her no way, I was willing to bet good money that we wouldn't leave till noon at the earliest.

For a vast myriad of reasons, I turned out to be right. We set off, me with a sullen face, annoyed at my victory. I'd rather have left early and gotten things over and done with quickly. My brother remained at home, recuperating from Constantine. No, actually he was sick. Or so he claims. Little bugger's always getting sick. Weak, I tell you, weak.

By the time we reached my paternal grandparents', all the other relatives had left. My aunt and grandparents had changed from their New Year's best back into their goddamn pajamas, for crying out loud. How fucking festive is that?

I sit down beside an almost-comatose grandma. She blinks at me several times and asks if I'm me or my brother. I sigh and tell her. That's pretty much the extent of our conversation. I read a magazine. So does my mom. My aunt tries to give us food, which we decline, except for my dad, who stuffs his face. My grandpa gives us some angpows, which do little in the way of recuperating my contributions previously. That's it.

My dad insists we go to the Kwanyin Temple. I don't really care one way or the other. The street seems a little crowded at first, then gets worse and worse. Someone's playing this horrendous English version of a New Year song, with atrocious lines like "Kwanyin give you blessing and luck". A chill goes down my spine, and I flip off in the general direction of the music.

In front of the temple are barricades, and the police are letting people go in a batch at a time. It's absolutely fucking insane. I swear repeatedly under my breath. I suggest that we just forget about it and come another day. For once, my parents agree. Goddamn.

Was so pissed at everything I SMSed people to tell them how this was the worst New Year ever.

At my maternal grandma's, no one really talked to me except my cousins, which was fine. All the better, in fact. I consciously avoided striking up lame conversations, and got so bored of doing absolutely nothing that I dragged my cousin out for some beer and cigarettes. He's a nice kid, always so accomodating to my vices.

Angpow-wise it was still pretty pathetic. No profits this year. Great, I'm not even married and I'm already beginning to lose money in red packets. Fortunately, after everything was over, I am out only about S$25 as of today. To be honest, I was expecting far worse, especially the way trends were going on Day One.

The rest of the days were better. But that's for another post.


At 12:34 AM, February 14, 2005, Blogger Allan Koay 郭少樺 said...

holy crap! dude, i dono what to say ...

At 12:29 PM, February 14, 2005, Blogger 우찌유 said...

i am still fuckin dizzy now..

At 8:54 AM, February 15, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh well u din sms me though... hehe



gimme some mindfuckery

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